

Monday, July 25, 2011

Teaser time!!!


Here is the teaser for ch 6 of What's Done Cannot Be Undone...

“Did you have sex with her?” she asked me in a calm voice as she looked from my disheveled form to Tanya who subconsciously tugged on her short skirt as if that gesture would make it longer.
            “Bella…” I said softly, trying to keep her calm, but it wasn’t Bella that needed that needed to be calm, it was me. I felt my heart pounding in my chest and even though she wasn’t yelling, to me she might as well have been for all the reaction she was getting from the patron that were standing close by.
            “Did you have sex with her?” she asked me once more as I watched Tanya look from me to Bella as she sniffled loudly before scurrying away from the scene that was being created before her.
            “No, I didn’t have sex with her,” I said in clear voice as she looked at me with her brown eyes blazing. I could not stand to look at her and lie which was odd since in the past year lying to her had never been an issue. I had done it and laughed about it later, but that night it made my stomach sick to lie to her.
            I looked from Bella’s cold eyes to my mother so stood beside my wife. She had such a look of shame on her face.

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