

Thursday, July 21, 2011

It needed to be said....Or.. Sorry KStew fans

Hello, my name is Mamasutra and I do not like KStew. There I said it. It needed to be said. I don’t like her. I don’t like her as Bella. I don’t like her in the movie Adventureland. I haven’t liked her in any movie I have seen her in and yes, I have gone out of my way to watch them.
                I can hear some of you now. The low muttering about how I am a jealous whore or what not, so let me explain myself before you label me as whatever concerning KStew.
                I am not jealous of her. I am not intimidated by her beauty. I do not hate her because of her so called relationship with Rob Pattinson. In reality I don’t hate her over anything, except for her treatment of the fans. If I have missed any other theory that has been tossed out concerning those of us who do not like her please know that they do not apply to me either, just so you know.
I think people who claim that those of us who are anti-KStew are just jealous and that’s why we dislike her need to re-examine their talking points. I am not jealous of the girl. It would suck to be her. Just think about it. The media following you around, snapping pictures, making fucked up claims about you. It would suck!! The girl can’t make a mistake or have an off day without everyone and their fucking brother making a comment about it. She can’t go to lunch with guy friends without the media announcing that she is blowing him. To those of you who are over 30 think back to all the fun things you used to do in your late teens to early twenties…. Yeah. Now think about having those exact times broadcasted on line and having people tweet about them. It would suck, so yeah, I am not jealous.
                I am not intimidated by her so called beauty. To be honesty she is average looking. It was this fact that helped her land the role of our beloved Bella Swan remember??? I am not saying that the girl isn’t pretty. She is pretty, especially when she is all glammed up for some award show, but more times than naught when the girl is photographed she looks like a butch lesbian. Seriously, KStew as someone who went through their late teens & early twenties during the height of the grunge stage, put down the fucking flannel shirt it’s not 1991 anymore.
                Now to refute the most heated claim of all, I do not care about her so called relationship with Rob. GASP! Shocking I know! Yes, I love Rob, but I do not care if she is fucking him. I don’t care if they do it every night and in every position known to man. I don’t care. Honestly, I don’t think they are together. I think it is more likely that he is banging TomStu over her. Blasphemy, I know :)  I don’t have some twisted fantasies of being Rob’s lover. It wouldn’t happen and I don’t live in the fantasy world beyond Fanfic. Actually I am shocked that people are even using this as a reason to dislike KStew when there are so many more valid reasons to dislike her.  
                People the world is full of real issues and things to be concerned about outside of fucking KStew. There is government and its unbalance. There is the pending presidential election coming up and how fucked the democrats are over it. There are things to be concerned about like our debt ceiling and why the hell GM & the banks that were bailed out aren’t paying back the tax payers. There is unrest in the world. Wars on three fronts. Hungry children and how crappy our education system is. Should I go on or have I given enough reasons as to why KStew is meaningless in my life???
                With all of that being said, I now will tell you why I don’t like her. I don’t like her because she is always so damn bitchy. She always seems so unhappy to answer questions for just be fucking decent to her fans. How hard is it to smile when you don’t want to? Fuck, I do it all the time. How hard is it to act grateful towards a group that is paying your paycheck, watching your movies and making sure that you are in demand when it comes to acting? Now before some of you tell me how she is grateful and loving towards the people who made her rich and famous then I will ask to see a fan pic of here where she looks remotely happy, since I have never seen one.
                Really what it comes down to for me is that KStew doesn’t remember the most basic of things and that is that she is a public figure not matter if she likes it or not. She is being watched. Her pay check comes from you and it’s your hard earned money being spent to watch something that she was in. She forgets this and that pisses me off. She is not doing me some favor by being Bella Swan in the Twilight movies. I actually think she was horrible in all three movies of Twilight. (I actually look forward to the last two with giddy delight because I know based on her previous  performances in any movie I have ever seen her in that she will be the most unhappy bride ever on the movie screen.) I think someone needs to remind her that she needs to gracious and a little sweetness goes further than the bitchy attitude she always puts out there.
So, there it is. I don’t like her and it’s because I expect more from the public figures in my world. I expect gratitude and thanks. Maybe I expect too much. Flame me if want. Unfollow me. Do whatever, but don’t accuse me of stupid things concerning her just because I don’t like her.


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