

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Last night at about 9:30 I got the weirdest of emails. It was from They were advising me that my stories had violated their content rules. When I emailed back to ask which story it was I was instructed all of them. 


They were being kind though by giving me 48 hours to either fix ALL the stories or they would remove them. I am told by other fanfic writers that this kindness was not extended to everyone so I guess I should be thankful that I was able to alert people of the change and allowed to move my stories without losing all the readers in the process.

Anyway this is what is going on today.

I am setting up new accounts and figuring out ways to post PDF's of completed stories here. I will go back and chapter by chapter add my WIPS here so that way they can be followed here as well. It will take a little time so I ask for your patients, but I hope to have it all squared away by Saturday night.

Much love,